
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Its that time of year, when I get to sit out my favorite Bears and Snowmen who only come out at Christmas time!! Posted by Picasa

We wish you a merry Meow Meow.. Posted by Picasa

The road up to the real golf course.. Posted by Picasa

This is a view from the top parking lot at the Carter Caves Park Lodge, you can see down to the lake.. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 20, 2006

This says it all!! Posted by Picasa

Todays weather forcast, little we hope will follow but its snowing as of now.. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A cloudy fall drive today.. Posted by Picasa

The door hidden behind the satelite dish is where I go to pick up my last work check for the season, the buisiness office.. Posted by Picasa

Alovely house on top of a big hill, I am sure the view is wonderful from up there! Posted by Picasa

A few curves in the road called life Posted by Picasa

we now go back to our napping.. Posted by Picasa