
Monday, May 28, 2007

Something is missing from this picture!

I had an odd feeling that something did not look right yesterday morning at work..something is definately missing from this spot!! And where did it go?? Did creatures from the woods do this??

Missing school house on sidewalk

Whoever had the thrill of carrying out this act..soon found out , a school-house is much heavier than it looks!!it didn't go far..but I could not even shove it ..too heavy!

Runaway school house..

This is just so wrong..it did finally get moved back to its location around 8pm by some helpful strong men..

Sunday, May 27, 2007

When I am not online

I will be at the do drop ball inn..

Keeping an eye on the natives..

You never know when Indians may attack !!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

First roses in the dew of the morning!

I happened to bleary eyed look out and caught the first of my roses opening up this morning..there will be more to follow soon..but the first ones are always photogenic..however you say or spell that word!!!..;)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Grayson Lake..

Took the chance of a beautiful day to go out to the Lake and see if we could see any ducks and to watch the boats..

Found the ducks!!

Ducks in for a swim..

Thre smaller ducks join the group..

This duck didn;t seem too friendly with them..

Time for duckies nap in the shade..

Overlook from the Damn..

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chief Rainstorm

May as well catch some water to water the plants when it dries up!

He worked!! It rained!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Just a few shots from the flower beds

The ground is very dry..


Thorny Pink Locust trees

can you see the fuzzy bumble bee??

Thursday, May 10, 2007

First Peony in bloom..

There will be many more soon..I looked out and spotted this one , they smell so good..just that ants love them so much , so best enjoyed out in the garden..

Blooming Irises,,

Friday, May 04, 2007

Pretty flowers

On an old porch..

Green leaves, cloudy day

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Today I got caught in a downpour

and as if that wasn;t enough..

Gas jumped to $3.09


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My project of the day..

Building a flower garden..

It needs something else..

A quick trip to the Dollar store and found a few items..

Closer look at the turtles

Just wait a few weeks to see if everything grows or ~gulp~ DIES!!